Saturday, June 30, 2012

Choosing Joy as a Wife:

 I've only been married for 2 1/2 years & by no means do I claim to be an expert however, I must admit I have never learned so much about myself & God's grace as I have in my marriage. Lately the Lord has been taking me to the book of Titus chapter 2 verses 3-5. 

"...the older women likewise that they be
reverent in behavior, not slanderers,
not given to much wine, teachers of good things, 
that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, 
to love their children, [to be] discreet,
chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands,
that the word of God not be blasphemed."

I must admit that this has not been the first nor the second time that I have come across this scripture, in fact I even took a class on that scripture itself. However, I this was the first time I really looked at the standard the Lord was setting for me as a wife & woman of God & truly understand what each characteristic meant. As godly women we are asked here to uphold 10 different characteristics:

  • reverent in behavior
  • not slander
  • not given to much wine
  • teacher of good things
  • admonish young women their husbands & children
  • to be discreet
  • to be chaste
  • homemakers
  • good
  • obedient to their own husbands
To be reverent in behavior:

Definition of reverent is- Feeling or showing deep and solemn respect (i.e. respectful)

Definition of behavior is- 1. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, esp. toward others. 2. The way in which an animal or person acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus.

How many times in my own marriage have I disagreed with my husband's decisions or ideas and rather than just politely oppose I rudely force my own way? Or those time when he has made unwise comments & I out of rudeness I put him down? Am I acting in a respectful way to my husband? Am I showing respect to the man the Lord has placed over me as my spiritual covering? Am I building up or tearing down? The Lord is instructing us wives to be reverent in our behavior, why? because I believe as women it is so easy to snap at our husbands out of frustration and blame it on them or our own biology. And trust me the Lord is never pleased with us when we respond in a sinful way. Wife, the Lord has commanded us to...

"...and let the wife [see] that she respects [her] husband"
Ephesians 5:33b

But there is a second part to this command, it is to not only be reverent but specifically in our behavior. I think as a wife I should be asking myself "am I being respectful to my husband by wearing this?" or "am I showing my husband respect by sharing this with others?" If we are checking the motives of our hearts & seeking to not only please our husbands through our behaviors but blessing the Lord as we bless our own husbands as well. I think it is important to note Proverbs 31 verse 12.

"She does him good and not evil all the days of her life."

The Lord is specifically speaking of the "virtuous woman," (Proverbs 31:10) who according to the Lord is worth more than rubies. As a wife I can choose to be overwhelmed with the standards that the Lord has set for me, or I can choose joy in the blessing of Marriage the Lord has given me with all the ups & downs included. Choosing joy in accepting God's commands will not only bring a blessing to you but to others as well as we seek to bless our Lord as we bless our husbands in reverent behavior.

So today dear sisters, choose joy in being a wife & blessing your husbands in being reverent in your behavior.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

 Today I will choose Joy. Is that really a hard choice for us to make daily? Will I choose Joy today? I ask myself this as I scroll through my FB page & find discouragement in the condition of our hearts. I ask myself this as I contemplate the illnesses my mother & grandmother have. Will I choose Joy today?
I don't believe that the Lord placed us on this planet with a promise of no problems or hardships but I do believe He has equipped us a choice. A choice to be joyful despite the trials & hardships or a choice to carry the burdens of this world & be weighed down.
 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.
 In the world you will have tribulation..."
-John 16:33a
You see dear friend, the Lord didn't say "if" or "you may" He said "You will" have trials. This is one of those promises I don't personally hold on to like promises of peace, or joy or needs being met, but this is definitely a promise & according to God's track record He is faithful to ALL of His promises. But the blessing here is that even though there is a promises of trials and tribulation there is more to this promise...

"...but be of good cheer, 
I have overcome the world."
-John 16:33b

Our Heavenly Father has promised us trials but not without an end to them, not without good reason  & not without a promise of restoration. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus, we are Victorious in Christ & we are Overcomers because of His blood. 
So no matter what may come your way today (or any day) remember His promise dear one & know that we can choose JOY no matter what the circumstance is.

I will choose JOY today <3

Friday, February 4, 2011


1st Year: We were blessed to be able to celebrate our 1 year anniversary in Vegas in January. Our mini vacation was 4 days and 3 nights, it was so nice to be able to get away for a while & reminisce over the year. My husband & I had an amazing year together as husband & wife. I know that on January 23, 2010 I made the best decision of my life! My husband has been the most supportive, understanding and loving man I have ever known. He is amazing! I went through a small phase where I questioned whether or not our marriage would work & through that time of questions the Lord really showed me to trust in HIM & just let go. The Lord is good! We have learned to communicate & spend all the time we can with each other. A friend had recommended that I read a book called, A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken where he talks about "Creeping Separateness" a concept that enforced togetherness in marriage. Many people would say that as a couple you need "me" time & it seems only logical. But it is the "me" time that begins to bring in a separateness that will injure your marriage. My husband & I spend all the time we can together, playing board games, hanging out, watching movies, going for walks, going on drives...we rarely spend time apart. This is what will strengthen our marriage, time together. He is my best friend.

"The killer of love is creeping separateness. Inloveness is a gift of the gods, but then it is up to the lovers to cherish or to ruin. Taking love for granted, especially after marriage. Ceasing to do things together. Finding separate interests. “We” turning into “I.” Self. Self-regard: what I want to do. Actual selfishness is only a hop away. This is the way of creeping separateness. And in the modern world, especially in the cities, everything favoured it. The man going off to his office; the woman staying home with the children—her children—or perhaps having a different job. The failure of love might seem to be caused by hate or boredom or unfaithfulness with a lover; but those were the results. First came the creeping separateness: the failure behind the failure."
--Sheldon Vanauken
"A Severe Mercy"

So enjoy your spouse, the time you have been blessed with, strengthen your marriage through communication, love & togetherness & you will find a life long blessing through friendship with your best friend. You won't regret it!

<3 Angelia

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards:

What a blessing to be able to make my own Christmas cards this year but it was even more of a blessing making them with my mom and husband!
A wonderful way to save $$ and add your own personal touch for the people that you <3.
Not to mention the stress reliever it is when you are participating in something that you enjoy doing.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Vicki & I have been friends since Kindergarten, literally she was my first friend @ school. Within the past year we have been growing closer again & I have been blessed building relationships with her family. We live in a society where true friendship is hard to find with the dog eat dog mentality & technology that does nothing to cultivate relationship with texting & FB. Friendship is more challenging & not as personal as it use to be. Vicki & I for a time would write letters in the mail when she lived in Texas as a teen & even during her time in Delaware we were pen pals again. But I enjoy the phone calls now & hours of talking we spend sitting in her living room reminiscing & laughing, & at times sharing tears.

Our friendship has had few bumps in the road but the one thing we share is the ability to openly communicate with each other, she is the one friend who is not afraid to laugh at my weird coping tactics or call me out on my crap.

Her memories are so vivid & it never ceases to surprise me on the details that she remembers on our childhoods, colors of clothing, exact phrases spoken, names of common childhood friends. The one argument that we share is where our friendship began, she says it was walking circles around a tree on the kindergarten playground & I claim it was the jungle gym but what matters most is...we became friends.

I cherish the memories I have with her & the ones that I know we will share in the future. She truly is what the bible calls a "friend who sticks closer than a brother."

"A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24


Friday, November 12, 2010



This morning I registered for my last semester in college. I must admit I am a little stressed & excited at the same time. But for the most part i am nervous! I have always been the type of person who under pressure will cave & withdraw from the whole situation, which is partly what is going on this semester...I must say that this is possibly what some may call "Senioritis." @ 30 years old I think it is about time that I graduate & join the working force, I am more than excited to possibly be teaching soon. My desire is to teach children & what an exciting venture it would be for me to finally be starting my dream...this has been an amazing year. So the only thing that stands between my dream & me accomplishing it is my ability to pass the classes.

Graduation is not that far out of reach...

Mark 9:23 "Jesus said to him, 'If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."


Thursday, November 11, 2010

My heart


The other day my uncle had to put his cocker spaniel Maxwell to sleep after 15 years. We all loved Max he was sincerely the best dog. Chewbacca is my cocker spaniel and truly my heart, I've had him for 8 years after my uncle found him running in the intersection chasing cars. This doggy has been my best friend for the past 8 years and has been there for me at times when no human interaction could suffice. And now as the years are beginning to show on his little body I dread the day I have to say goodbye, but until then I will continue to give him the best life that I can and shower him with love and cookies!
