Thursday, June 28, 2012

 Today I will choose Joy. Is that really a hard choice for us to make daily? Will I choose Joy today? I ask myself this as I scroll through my FB page & find discouragement in the condition of our hearts. I ask myself this as I contemplate the illnesses my mother & grandmother have. Will I choose Joy today?
I don't believe that the Lord placed us on this planet with a promise of no problems or hardships but I do believe He has equipped us a choice. A choice to be joyful despite the trials & hardships or a choice to carry the burdens of this world & be weighed down.
 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.
 In the world you will have tribulation..."
-John 16:33a
You see dear friend, the Lord didn't say "if" or "you may" He said "You will" have trials. This is one of those promises I don't personally hold on to like promises of peace, or joy or needs being met, but this is definitely a promise & according to God's track record He is faithful to ALL of His promises. But the blessing here is that even though there is a promises of trials and tribulation there is more to this promise...

"...but be of good cheer, 
I have overcome the world."
-John 16:33b

Our Heavenly Father has promised us trials but not without an end to them, not without good reason  & not without a promise of restoration. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus, we are Victorious in Christ & we are Overcomers because of His blood. 
So no matter what may come your way today (or any day) remember His promise dear one & know that we can choose JOY no matter what the circumstance is.

I will choose JOY today <3